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Musical Bingo -A new favorite

Currently in love with this fun game. Here are simple directions

1) Go to Spotify and make a playlist with up to 25 songs you want to use – for any theme – event – age group.

2). Click here to Make free Bingo cards at Using the titles of your songs

You get to print 10 free cards with random squares and a call list. You can pay for more cards if you want. I suggest laminating the cards and use dry erase pens for repeated uses. You can also just play with regular paper and pens. There is also a mobile option if you want to play on your phones

3) Hand out your cards and Play your playlist using the Shuffle feature

Have fun🎶

I just made a holiday song one and one for my upcoming 40th college reunion in about an hour. So it’s Pretty easy

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Elder Craftsmen survivor

It’s funny what survives and stays with you. I can’t say for certain when I acquired this choir mouse. My best guess is sometime in the 60s when Elder Craftsmen had a storefront on Lexington Avenue somewhere between 71st street where we sang in the choir at St. James Church and 63rd Street, where we lived.

This little shop was a wonder. As I recall, it was filled with all types of hand made items – Sweaters, blankets, quilts, and dozens of mice. Things I imagined my mother would have made for me, if she had lived past my 5th birthday. I loved to window shop on Sundays after church, while my father ducked into the deli next door, to pick out one of the rotisserie chickens that turned in their window.

As I went through my winter nesting ritual of replacing cotton with flannels and wools , there she was – Nestled next to the red monogrammed Book of Common Prayer I keep in the top drawer. Long outdated, the book was a christening gift from a godmother six decades ago

This photo doesn’t really do justice to the detail of this gem. The hymnal with real paper inside. The little pin at the throat. The length of the tail. How she survived eight moves, ten dogs and two toddlers, I will never know. Oh, how it filled me with wonder to find her again. A toast to Sundays past