Posted in R Way

I can see clearly now the fog is gone

Recently I stumbled across an unexpected way to keep my glasses fog free while wearing two masks. I went to a medical appointment with my mask on. When I arrived I was asked to wear a second mask as well. I thought, oh dear, I’m not going to be able to see anything at all. To my surprise the second mask caught my breath before It could fog my glasses 🤓. I also realized that looking up leads to less fogging than looking down.

Before this discovery – I used the old swimmers trick of baby shampoo and dish soap to keep goggles fog free.

Mix together

2oz Dawn

1.5 Oz baby shampoo

.5 Oz distilled water

Spray onto lenses. Spread solution around lense with your finger. Wait 30 seconds and Rinse with water – Air dry before wearing

Posted in R Way

The Ticks are Back in Town

Once the temperatures reach 45° in the Northeast- spring starts to bud and ticks start to move. The first tick of the season reminds us to reach for Rose Geranium Oil and to give ourselves and our dogs a spritz before we go for a walk.

This is entirely anecdotal evidence -but this is the mixture we use for Rose Geranium Tick Spray

8 oz distilled water

2 TBSP Witch Hazel

20 drops rose geranium oil

Combine all ingredients and fill spray bottles or roller bottles to apply. Enjoy your walk.

Tick Forecast
Posted in R Way

Make Way for Ducklings

Possibly the Best of Boston

Pink Hats
Red Sox with playoff beards
Trick or Treat
Black Lives Matter
Social distancing
St Patrick’s Day

Thank you to the Mystery Dressers, Nancy Schon and Robert McClosky